Sunday, February 8, 2009

35 Degrees In The Shade....

That is just too hot. I attempted to do some 'horse-work' (as opposed to house-work, which also desperately needs doing) before it got too hot, but I was about an hour too late. Hence, Rococo got off very lightly and I ended up a wringing wet mess all by about 11am. What a tremendously kind young horse. He is getting quite big and brawny, now 2 years old and very much entire. But sensible and well mannered considering his shocking lack of handling! Am really looking forward to riding this boy.
Too hot to do anything else.
A huge branch came crashing down off one of the old gums by the stables. I rushed out to make sure Red wasn't squashed beneath it....knowing his love of the first-aid kit. But it wasn't even clever enough to squash one of the ten trillion turkeys that have taken up residence out there. Still, it was a huge branch - about 18" diametre, which will be great for 'popping over' once we trim it up.
It has just started spitting....big fat wet drops spaced about 3 feet apart...but WET. Keep your fingers crossed for us. It is way too dry in HB right now, and my heart really goes out to the poor Aussies with the fires in Vic.

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