Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pony Porn and the New Teaser!

Today was the day we designed the 'wee collector'.

We need quantities of mares urine to use for semen collection....the old boy simply won't produce it just because we need it! So the urine from a cycling mare is used to 'tempt' the stallion onto the phantom where he is fooled into service.
So out came an old cover, an empty calphos container, a handful of foam and some zippy clips. As you can see by the pic, we attach the receptacle to the back of the cover. Diagonally seemed to work quite well, as the corner fitted snugly between Duckies butt cheeks! I partially filled the container with lightweight foam rubber, which stopped the 'wee' bouncing out again and also cut down on the noise:) Ducky very kindly filed the container, and now I have the dubious task of freezing into cubes....don't ask for ice and a slice when you drink at our place!!!!
Also, the teaser. Check him out! That's my uber-Red! What a charming, seductive gentleman he is: Just like his old man! He showed me a new side of himself today - and he is going to take the pressure off Rodin this season by doing a little bit of the teasing for him. I was very impressed with his attitude, and no, won't take it for granted. I will only be able to continue to use Red as long as he can stay calm and collected and pretty much disaffected by the job!
All in all, a great horse day. Mares are looking fab, Penny getting closer to foaling. Will serve Sassy tomorrow and see how we go:)

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